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The Software

Shore Systems is an independant software house creating retail solutions and EPOS applications for both large and small businesses. We have spent thousands of hours developing and perfecting our own unique system base which utilises the most advanced techniques in application design and cloud computing. Our software is fully customisable and is of modular design. It spans a wide variety of hardware and is accessible from all modern operating systems. Our software engineers regularly provide automatic updates and upgrades to all our customers to ensure that nobody gets left behind.

The Hardware

Shore Systems source a wide range of hardware from our preferred suppliers and are always looking to widen our options. The recent explosion in popular technology has led to a much more diverse toolset in the retail management arsenal which we have fully embraced. It is now possible for example to watch your tills and cameras live on your phone and recieve your performance reports as they are produced on your iPad. This expansion has also led to the creation of much greener, low power computing devices that we utilise in our tills and workstations.

The People

Shore Systems is a small company that works in conjunction with specialist consultants and service providors. This allows us to maximise our coverage and knowledgebase and source the right people for the job. If you think you have the right skills or could work with us in partnership we would be interested to hear from you.